Countless Catholics are broken-hearted by the betrayal of some priests and bishops.
At the Last Supper, Christ said “In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world” (John 16:33, NAB). It is so important to remember that Christ has already saved His Church by His Most Precious Blood. No amount of corruption can undo His saving work on the Cross for us.
What can Catholics do in this time of crisis?
Above all, we must offer prayers and sacrifices for the Church in this time of crisis. We ought to advocate for victims while calling for accountability, transparency, and complete safety for God’s children. We also need to encourage every soul to persevere in or join the Catholic Church, which is and will forever be the universal Sacrament of the world’s salvation.
Despite this terrible crisis, the truths of our Faith have not changed: Christ suffered, died, and rose for His Church. He is with us in our terrible suffering. Christ has redeemed the world. Christ offers the world the hope for which it hungers through His Church.